Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Go the Hammers!
Bangladesh & Cricket
Schapelle Corby
One thing I've have picked up from the coverage is how unfair the Indonesian system is and how they shouldn't be asking her to prove her innocence. I can't help but pick up vibes from the blogs and the media that Indonesia shouldn't have that system, as if it is our business!
Indonesia is not New Zealand. It's a sovereign state and as far as I'm concerned they can have any system they like. In my view, it's not for us to impose our 'better' system on them.
I'm also not passing any comment on her guilt or innocence. I wasn't there. Some believe this, some believe that and fair enough. I am ambivalent to her case.
Finally, our system is not perfect. Would Indonesians be bothered about David Doughty?
Monday, May 30, 2005
Budget add-on?
Sunday, May 29, 2005
Sports funding
In today's SST (can't link it) there is a story on sports trusts funding being considerably reduced as a result of a fall in revenue from pokie machines. The reason there has been a fall in revenue is because there has been less smokers hanging out in the pokie bars, cos they can't.
Now I find this very ironic. Presumably the government wanted a fit and healthy society so it bans smoking in bars. Yet the causative effect of this, as just discovered, is that there is reduced funding available to amateur sport clubs. I know that an active and fit New Zealand means a lower health budget. And if there is less money for sports teams there will be fewer members, less sport and more health worries. So I am actually wondering what the point of this legislation is/was?
Ahmed bloody Zaoui
Who is going to win?
2) Dancing with the Stars.
3) Superstars of Treasure Island.
I say, Rob & Amber, Norm Hewitt and his partner and, um, dunno on 3. Quite tough. Maybe Sean O'Brien the Irishman.
More ACT selections
Saturday, May 28, 2005
ACT presentation
Thursday, May 26, 2005
Jordan Carter's selective memory/posting
Tax Cuts = Higher Interest Rates: OECD
"Economic growth has been running ahead of potential..."
"WIth the pace of activity now slowing, the recent monetary tightening should be sufficient to limit inflation, given the appreciation of the exchange rate. But additional fiscal stimulus beyond that already planned could put the projected soft landing at risk and would need to be offset by higher interest rates in order to bring the economy back onto a sustainable growth path."
Jordan then said this when commenting on National's tax cut promise, and ACT's I presume:
'It is the height of economic ignorance to contend that a massive spending increase (which is what tax cuts are, just as sure as a massive benefit increase would be) won't affect inflation and interest rates. Inflation will go up, and interest rates will go up as a result. So the dollar will go higher, hurting the current account deficit and exporting businesses even more than the current high levels are doing.'
This is what the Herald reported/quoted from the OECD report:
"The OECD said the seven interest rate hikes since the start of last year should be enough to return the economy to a more sustainable path and give the Reserve Bank room to start easing rates slowly during next year.
However, its task has been complicated by the fiscal stimulus that has come from additional Government spending in 2004 and 2005. Any further relaxation of fiscal policy would need to be offset by higher interest rates."
Will Jordan/Labour accept blame for the 7! interest rate hikes caused by the Labour government's spending?
Consider the above quote carefully...'its task has been complicated by the fiscal stimulus that has come from additional Government spending in 2004 and 2005.'
Makes you wonder aye!
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
How to afford the tax cuts.
Cullender's quotes
Today, he said Labour will 'nail ACT to the wall' over theirs.
What will he say in October when he is in opposition?
Flip Flop
Who is lying?
In today's Herald, under the headline "Labour on attack over Budget tax move' the government (presumably via Maharey) says this concerning working for families:
"Nearly 200,000 families have gained an average of $28 a week in family assistance from Working for Families increases last month, says the Government."
Yet, the Labour party on the North Shore has been advertising in the local rag that families are "on average, $100 per week better off" thanks to Working for Families.
Who is lying? More smarmy bullshit from the socialists.
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
It has until recently had an office in Newmarket, Auckland. It no longer exists. Why? Because the company feels it can run its NZ operations better from Australia. Its staff have had to find other employment. The one thing that would have kept the office here was the street race, Auckland or Wellington. We all know what happened to that.
The repercussions of losing the V8 street race are starting to hit home, as is the repercussions of the RMA. This legislation needs an urgent overhaul.
Last one out of NZ turn out the lights please.
Monday, May 23, 2005
Scott Watson
It started with this hilarious quote:
"This from investigative reporter so and so."
Investigative reporter on Close Up? Never.
The reporter spoke with some witnesses who saw some ketch with Olivia Hope on it some days after they left the Sounds. Don't worry the witnesses never knew Olivia: they had only seen her on TV!
Oh there was a witness who knew Olivia from school and supposedly saw her and spoke with her after Watson killed her. But her evidence was tested in Court, as was the first witness. The Jury heard the evidence. They weighed it and decided not to accept it.
The bizarre thing is that it's not like this was new information. It's all been tested in Court. There is supposed to be more on this tomorrow night. I'll wait and see what it is. Suffice to say I get a little sick and tired of campaigns by the media when they have nothing else to do.
What next? A documentary on the Peter Doone affair and how Helen Clark orchestrated the removal of our top cop? Never.
There was a story on a man called Payne who was complaining about the Family Court and how nine years after he had an agreement with his wife over relationship property division the Court is yet to carry it through by an order transfering the family home to his name.
The problem is we never got to hear why the Court hasn't made the order. I was waiting for this punchline. You know, what the Court said about why he can't get the house after he has paid the money. What the issues are. Yet all we got was him blabbing on about how the Judges are corrupt blah blah blah. Then the story ended. AAARRGGHHHH!
It was terribly poor, amateurish and almost seemed rushed. Holmes will have to do better to keep me as a viewer.
Left wing jealousy
Our Parliamentry democracy rests on the ideals of freedom of expression. While it is clearly inappropriate for some proffesions, such as the Military, to become political, we should not preclude talented NZ'ers from expressing their views or standing for political office.
And so Tim Groser is the National Party's star list candidate.
While he has been stood down as NZ's WTO Ambassador, in accordance with the Electoral Act, to call it betrayal is being unfair.
Good to know that the National party is at least trying to get on board people with actual talents, rather than trying to rehash the leftovers of the 90's for a Cabinet.
Then Oliver chimed in with this:
The pig was talking in the paper about how he's apparently going to be starving because he's not recieving a salary for a few months. Poor Groser, with his pin-stripe suit and designer sunglasses, he's clearly on the breadline eh guys ? :(
Absolutely no need to refer to Groser as a pig. As I said on STC's blog, takes one to know one aye Oliver.
Marshall's Big Mouth
Scare tactics
The question the voters should ask themselves is this: Do they have confidence in the ex governer of the Reserve Bank, a man who presided over floating mortgage interest rates reducing from 15% to 7% during his reign? Do they think two economists know what they are doing (Hide and Key)? Let's not forget John Tamihere described Key as 'very smart' and Tamihere said he could easily sleep at night knowing 'Key was in charge'.
Or would they rather trust a left-wing teacher/historian? A man with no deputy.
The answers are obvious.
UPDATE: I was on the button. This from Jordan today:
"what do people want? Higher interest rates and Muldoonist borrowing? Or higher social spending while saving for the future"?
Jordan - what are interest rates now? Who is doing the saving? Not us, it's the bloody gummint!
Sunday, May 22, 2005
On the subject of Benson-Pope the reporter chooses to use quotes from people discussing corporal punisment as acceptable at the time.
Charmaine Pountney, former Auckland Girls' Grammar principal and member of the anti-corporal punishment group Campaign Against Violence in Education, said it was inappropriate for teachers to be charged now with something that was legal then. "You can't wind the law back."
In one paragraph the reporter mentions an unnamed (and thus unverifiable) study saying 98% of families 'used it':
Physical discipline was habitual in families at the time - one study showed that 98% of families used it, she said. By the early 1980s, many teachers had abandoned corporal punishment, and parents were questioning its use.
As AL points out at Sir Hiumphrey's, what possible relevance has an unnamed study of corporal punishment got to do with the allegations of serious abuse levelled at Benson-Pope?
You know, if it was all okey dokey why didn't DBP just say that in the House?
Hat tip: SirHumphrey's.
UPDATE: My wife has just pointed out I said I was having the weekend off. Can't help myself :).
Weekend off
I don't read the Saturday Herald. I refuse to. I get the paper at work and read it there during the week (reluctantly) but will never spend $$$ on it at the weekend. I despise some of the contributors and the general left slant. I could read online, but Saturday's are full on for me.
The Sunday Star Times. I subscribe to this, only because I think we have to have a weekend paper to peruse. I've always liked the paper, but it too has serious bias issues. Finlay MacDonald needs a slap, and Hubbard and Hagar are a joke. Today, it didn't really have much in it to lead me to blog.
I used to read the NBR weekly and must commence that again and start blogging from that.
Overseas papers. I read the occasional Independent from London, but not this weekend.
The things I did like this weekend were Arsenal totally outplayng Man Me and winning the FA Cup (yay!); and the retirement of two top coaches, Duncan Laing (of Danyon Loader fame) and Lois Muir, netball. They have given a combined 70 years! coaching youngsters. They have given untold spare time and effort. Hats off to them. They are true legends.
Friday, May 20, 2005
Semi-Final Tonight
Paul Holmes muttered this very comment on his radio show this morning when talking to Wendyl Nissen and Tau Henare. Where's the differentiation he asked? Australia has lowered taxes. Where's our competitive advantage to match this.
Well Paul, yesterday we differentiated ourselves.
Whilst almost all of the prior centrally planned economies of Europe are adopting flat taxes; whilst the breakaway Russian states are doing the same; whilst Australia has just provided tax relief, whilst all these countries, and more, are looking to decrease the tax burden on their citizens and businesses we are differentiating ourselves. We are not reducing our taxes. Rather, it could be argued we are raising ours. We are remaining a high tax country. There is our differentiation.
Maybe the Cullender knows more than the combined talents of the ministers responsible for the low tax regimes mentioned above?
(K)new words?
Here are this year's winners:
1. Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.
2. Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly.
3. Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.
4. Foreploy: Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid.
5. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period.
6. Giraffiti: Vandalism spray-painted very, very high.
7. Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.
8. Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.
9. Hipatitis: Terminal coolness.
10. Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease. (This one got extra credit.)
11. Karmageddon: It's like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's like, a serious bummer.
12. Decafalon (n.): The gruelling event of getting through the day consuming only things that is good for you
13. Glibido: All talk and no action.
14. Dopeler effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.
15. Arachnoleptic fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web.
16. Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito, that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out.
17. Caterpallor (n.): The colour you turn after finding half a worm in the fruit you're eating.
And the pick of the literature:
18. Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an.....
Who wears the pants in your house?
Jack took his father's advice and as soon as he got Jill alone after the wedding, he did the same thing; took off his trousers, gave them to Jill and told her to put them on. Jill said that the trousers were too big and she couldn't possibly wear
them. "Exactly," replied Jack. "I wear the trousers in this relationship and I always will. I don't want you to forget that".
Jill paused and removed her knickers and gave them to Jack. Try these on," she said, so he tried them on but they were too small. "I can't possibly get into your knickers," said Jack. "Exactly," replied Jill. "And if you don't change your f*cking attitude,
you never will."
Thursday, May 19, 2005
The Budget!!
Pardon The Interruption
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
On a lighter note...
Health spending and the Budget
"Let's spend heaps more on Health shall we. From this morning's Herald, and quoted from a locum GP:
"My tale of two cities would suggest the public sector responds inappropriately to acute problems and to significant but non-urgent ones.
When we look at the significant investment in the health sector over the past four years, it is devastating to see how little effect it has had.
Pouring more money into the system without significant functional change is like pouring water into a coarse sieve.
I have wondered for the past 20 years when common sense will triumph so that the health sector serves the population and ceases to be self-serving and inefficient".
Nuff said."
Now we have this from the super Heather Roy: www.act.org.nz/item.aspx/26970.
The sad thing is that tomorrow the general public will be deceived again with more rants from the historian of an extra this billion or that billion on health this and health that.
Wake up New Zild! Stop the waste!
STOP THE PRESS: Just heard on TV One the claim that people are being dumped from the waiting lists to make things look better for the gummint leading up to the election.
I repeat my claim, Wake up New Zild!
John Gillies
Convicted of stabbing a police officer about 10 years ago and in turn turning the cop into a cripple, Gillies is now out and about. What happens next? He refuses to stop for Police; they chase him (as they should); and he gets into a massive scrap with them, injuring one.
What do they find in his car? Speed and cocaine. He is now back inside. You might recall Gillies. We, the workers, paid for his tattoo removal when he was a customer of her majesty's finest.
I hate paying excessive tax, but would gladly pay more if asked (oops, forced) to keep this turd behind bars for ever. I wouldn't piss on Gillies if he was on fire.
The truth matters
It has been interesting to watch the reactions of the Labour crowd to the
DBP allegations. First there was refution and denials. Then came the
mounting of the offensive followed by allegations of muck-racking. And then
there were 'virtual' admissions by way of the 'acceptable behaviour at the
time' defence. Jock from About Town said this:
"Tennis balls? Sticky tape? So what? Y' gotta get the job done, and to do
that some people do need to be given incentives to STFU".
Whereas Tristan from the same blog had this to say:
"no one has said that these alligations are not serious..."
Personally, my attitude is softening a little. I don't think either tennis
balls in mouths or caning till you bleed is acceptable. But, having cast my
mind back to my secondary school days there were pupils who needed a good
caning. They certainly never had discipline at home from the way they
What I find unacceptable is that if it is shown these allegations have an
element of credibility surrounding them, we have a Minister of Education who
decided to try to hide the fact this occurred and refuted it in Parliament.
To my way of thinking one has much more credibility when one admits to past
indiscretions, admits to fallibilty and in doing both shows some remorse.
I don't expect DBP to do a Bill Clinton now, that time has come. What I do
expect from Ministers in any government is a little less arrogance, and more
Conrad is out
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Two more questions
Of the sporting type, who will win this weekends FA Cup final? Arsenal or
Arsenal. Second, who will win the Super12 semi's? I'm picking the Bulls to
upset the Waratahs. Naturally I'm picking 'The Arse' to win the FA Cup.
Actually a third question, is it Man U or is it now Man Me considering the
takeover and what can disaffected fans do about it? Easy I reckon. Don't
buy the gear and don't buy match tickets.