Monday, May 23, 2005

Scott Watson

It is a trendy facet of TV nowadays to conduct investigations into investigations. David Bain was a few weeks ago. Mark Lundy is no doubt being prepared. Tonight on 'Close Up @ 7' was the first part of an 'investigation' into Scott Watson and why he might be innocent.

It started with this hilarious quote:

"This from investigative reporter so and so."

Investigative reporter on Close Up? Never.

The reporter spoke with some witnesses who saw some ketch with Olivia Hope on it some days after they left the Sounds. Don't worry the witnesses never knew Olivia: they had only seen her on TV!

Oh there was a witness who knew Olivia from school and supposedly saw her and spoke with her after Watson killed her. But her evidence was tested in Court, as was the first witness. The Jury heard the evidence. They weighed it and decided not to accept it.

The bizarre thing is that it's not like this was new information. It's all been tested in Court. There is supposed to be more on this tomorrow night. I'll wait and see what it is. Suffice to say I get a little sick and tired of campaigns by the media when they have nothing else to do.

What next? A documentary on the Peter Doone affair and how Helen Clark orchestrated the removal of our top cop? Never.

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