Friday, May 20, 2005
We frequently hear from commentators how NZ has to differentiate and be innovative so as to attract foreign investment, migrants etc. We hear that because of our geographic location, we must provide incentives for people to invest here, and also visit here. We can't just rely on being like everywhere else.
Paul Holmes muttered this very comment on his radio show this morning when talking to Wendyl Nissen and Tau Henare. Where's the differentiation he asked? Australia has lowered taxes. Where's our competitive advantage to match this.
Well Paul, yesterday we differentiated ourselves.
Whilst almost all of the prior centrally planned economies of Europe are adopting flat taxes; whilst the breakaway Russian states are doing the same; whilst Australia has just provided tax relief, whilst all these countries, and more, are looking to decrease the tax burden on their citizens and businesses we are differentiating ourselves. We are not reducing our taxes. Rather, it could be argued we are raising ours. We are remaining a high tax country. There is our differentiation.
Maybe the Cullender knows more than the combined talents of the ministers responsible for the low tax regimes mentioned above?
Paul Holmes muttered this very comment on his radio show this morning when talking to Wendyl Nissen and Tau Henare. Where's the differentiation he asked? Australia has lowered taxes. Where's our competitive advantage to match this.
Well Paul, yesterday we differentiated ourselves.
Whilst almost all of the prior centrally planned economies of Europe are adopting flat taxes; whilst the breakaway Russian states are doing the same; whilst Australia has just provided tax relief, whilst all these countries, and more, are looking to decrease the tax burden on their citizens and businesses we are differentiating ourselves. We are not reducing our taxes. Rather, it could be argued we are raising ours. We are remaining a high tax country. There is our differentiation.
Maybe the Cullender knows more than the combined talents of the ministers responsible for the low tax regimes mentioned above?