Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The truth matters

It has been interesting to watch the reactions of the Labour crowd to the
DBP allegations. First there was refution and denials. Then came the
mounting of the offensive followed by allegations of muck-racking. And then
there were 'virtual' admissions by way of the 'acceptable behaviour at the
time' defence. Jock from About Town said this:

"Tennis balls? Sticky tape? So what? Y' gotta get the job done, and to do
that some people do need to be given incentives to STFU".

Whereas Tristan from the same blog had this to say:

"no one has said that these alligations are not serious..."

Personally, my attitude is softening a little. I don't think either tennis
balls in mouths or caning till you bleed is acceptable. But, having cast my
mind back to my secondary school days there were pupils who needed a good
caning. They certainly never had discipline at home from the way they

What I find unacceptable is that if it is shown these allegations have an
element of credibility surrounding them, we have a Minister of Education who
decided to try to hide the fact this occurred and refuted it in Parliament.
To my way of thinking one has much more credibility when one admits to past
indiscretions, admits to fallibilty and in doing both shows some remorse.

I don't expect DBP to do a Bill Clinton now, that time has come. What I do
expect from Ministers in any government is a little less arrogance, and more

I gotta sort out my format!
Well it definitely looks better in the next one, Yeah I sorta agree with you that some kids needed a good caning, it was phased out during my school days, but at primary we still got a whack on the hand for the occasional bark fight but I still disagree if it is proven to be full blown assault which seems the case with the catlins incident
Yep, it is assault if proven - agreed.
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