Monday, May 23, 2005
Left wing jealousy
Stephen Thomas Cooper on Philosophically Made had this to say about Tim Groser. It is the most positive comment I have seen from the left:
Our Parliamentry democracy rests on the ideals of freedom of expression. While it is clearly inappropriate for some proffesions, such as the Military, to become political, we should not preclude talented NZ'ers from expressing their views or standing for political office.
And so Tim Groser is the National Party's star list candidate.
While he has been stood down as NZ's WTO Ambassador, in accordance with the Electoral Act, to call it betrayal is being unfair.
Good to know that the National party is at least trying to get on board people with actual talents, rather than trying to rehash the leftovers of the 90's for a Cabinet.
Then Oliver chimed in with this:
The pig was talking in the paper about how he's apparently going to be starving because he's not recieving a salary for a few months. Poor Groser, with his pin-stripe suit and designer sunglasses, he's clearly on the breadline eh guys ? :(
Absolutely no need to refer to Groser as a pig. As I said on STC's blog, takes one to know one aye Oliver.
Our Parliamentry democracy rests on the ideals of freedom of expression. While it is clearly inappropriate for some proffesions, such as the Military, to become political, we should not preclude talented NZ'ers from expressing their views or standing for political office.
And so Tim Groser is the National Party's star list candidate.
While he has been stood down as NZ's WTO Ambassador, in accordance with the Electoral Act, to call it betrayal is being unfair.
Good to know that the National party is at least trying to get on board people with actual talents, rather than trying to rehash the leftovers of the 90's for a Cabinet.
Then Oliver chimed in with this:
The pig was talking in the paper about how he's apparently going to be starving because he's not recieving a salary for a few months. Poor Groser, with his pin-stripe suit and designer sunglasses, he's clearly on the breadline eh guys ? :(
Absolutely no need to refer to Groser as a pig. As I said on STC's blog, takes one to know one aye Oliver.