Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Labours Pledge

DPF posted these pledges on his blog. I thought they were brilliant and would like to make some comments on each one if I can.

Number 1...This sounds just like Helen Clark, coming straight from Micheal Cullen, I don't wanna give you MY money (Scrooge McCullen)

Number 2...Well don't we already have this system, oh of course Helen wants to continue the stupidity...You will never fail again WooHoo

Number 3...George Hawkins get him out of there

Number 4...Well this would be better than the current system, I would love to be able to send in my vote so as to decide what to spend the $10 million on, even though I would rather have the money in my back pocket

Number 5...Waiting lists for waiting lists, oh my god is that why the waiting lists have decreased I thought they were putting more operations through

Number 6...Oh they want to let us go faster :D But retrospectively just so she can get off, well I suppose we could allow it, Remember though Comrade Helen is above the law, so it shouldn't matter.

Number 7...My own Law, hmmmmmmm, I don't know what I want Helen you tell me what I want.

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