Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Court order prevents Potter leak

This story doesn't fit in our general sections, but it is interesting to see how quickly a leak can be covered. In Canada there was a leak of a "few" Harry Potter books. The publishers sought a court order to gag those who had read the book. The order prevents anyone disclosing all or part of the plot to Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince ahead of its worldwide release on 16 July.Those returning the book will be rewarded with a JK Rowling autograph.
The Harry Potter books have so much hype surrounding them these people could be able to tell so much that only a small number of people know about.

This follows the 2003 case where JK.Rowling sucessfully sued a newspaper for realeasing plot details to the previous book, which they recieved from a couple who managed to purchase a book before the release date.

nope haven't figured out how to do that yet, but I think I could just need to brush up on Html lol
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