Saturday, July 09, 2005

Ann Hartley's Billboards

Last weekend I posted this

Election time?

I noted two of Ann Hartley's billboards along my road during the weekend. These weren't billboards that advertised meetings (allowed), rather they said something like: "Who can? Ann Can. Two ticks Labour" or something similar.

I know that local bodies allow election advertising within either one or two months of polling day (approximately). I'm not sure of North Shore City's rules but I will find out today if I can.

This could mean that the election is within two months time (ie before September 17 as the MSM believes) because if it was at this date then Ann Hartley is breaking the rules, not that rorty Labour would care. If NSCC rules allow for one month then we could see an election very shortly, before the end of July. That is unlikely because Parliament is currently in a four-week recess and they would have to convene before breaking up. So my bet is an election in late August, allowing for the two months for Ann's billboards and also allowing for parliament to reconvene and then depart again in time for a three week campaign period. August 20 or 27 is looking good I reckon.


They weren't there today! Maybe some over exuberant campaign person? They were quite small billboards and possibly able to be taken down quickly.

TODAY - 9 July

Many, many up today. I phoned the Council and queried the legality of this. I was told it was illegal (as I thought). But, the enforcement officers don't work weekends so they couldn't do anything about my complaint! That is why Hartley puts them up and takes them down on the weekends - nothing can happen!

Labour is good at breaking electoral laws (bus stop advertising). They won't get away with this next weekend. I have a cunning plan!

Unless it is 2 calender months from today - September 10
The lady I spoke to at NSCC said 1 month was the limit.
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