Monday, June 06, 2005

Manukau City Council

A news item on Susan Wood tonight concerned the MCC looking at separate Maori seats in the city to ensure Maori representation on the Council. Advocating that position was the deputy mayor Anne Candy. Against the view was young councillor Jamie Lee Ross. Aaron profiled Jamie Lee on his blog a couple of months ago. He 'outed' himself tonight as a young nat.

Ms Candy mentioned how Maori seats were required because the Treaty said it did. I have taken university papers that study the treaty. I must have missed the lecture that guaranteed council seats back in 1840.

Ms Candy was seen on the footage hugging and kissing Helen Clark at some outdoor function.

Mr Ross spread the argument that it wasn't equality to push one race at the expense of others. Ms Candy replied that Maori were special by virtue of the treaty and we were visitors in their home land so it was up to us to cater for them accordingly.

The Council votes for the first time on this issue in a few months. At this stage I offer no opinion. I want yours.

Sounds like Candy Floos to me. Or is it Bullshit? Doesn't seem much differnce. Don't these people realise the pendulum already has started to swing back the other way?
It seems to me that the Treaty has become unsustainable without bigotry.
Well people who espouse the arguments Candy does should no tbe deputy mayors. Spurious, fallacious and ridiculous.
So Maori people own all of NZ now? That's the only way I can interpret the "we are visitors on their home land" crap.
People like Deputy Mayor Candy are ill-informed and highly dangerous. *shudder*
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