Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Annette King (AK) on Kim Hill (KH)

Some relevant quotes/quips from last night (blogged live):

Oh, KH let her talk an awful long time on the Meningoccocal vaccinations a few times!

AK calls her 'Kim' quite often. The start is very gentle, a few interruptions, but AK does get to give her message quite easily.

Kim cracks a joke, they both laugh. It is all so easy for AK. And another very long time talking 'selling' the vaccine stuff ups. My initial impression so far is that KH is very easy on her. AK gets to talk far more than Rodney or Winnie ever did! There is no ferocity there at all!!!!!

Waiting lists now.

AK says acute/urgent op's happening straight away. KH attackes her (finally) on a 2002 quote about waiting lists. But it's all very genial and AK still gets to talk a very long time with no or little interruption.

AK calls 180,000 waiting as rubbish. She says 60,000 are booked and waiting. The wait has come down each year especially the wait of longer than six months. Oh Shit, KH tried to interrupt her and AK said just wait a minute and KH did!

AK raves on about priorities and certainties. She gets an awful long time to push the Labour spin/bollocks. Heaps of money blah blah blah. No interruption there!

Question on private health insurance. AK says it's up to NZers whether they want it.

KH: Why can't they use the private system?
AK: We do. Every capacity we have we use. There is no problem with that.

KH: But shortages still of beds, doctors etc.
AK: Invest in them blah blah blah.

KH saying people don't believe you are making a difference in health! Go Kim go.

AK says no cuts to health. We can do better. Allowed the time to say we will do it better after this election. Says only .4% increase in bureaucrats.

Finito. KH very soft on AK. Like a big, wet feather. I blow my nose at her.

I too believe that almost everytime a Minister appears on a nz political show on TVNZ they get an easier run than their opposition, even when Helen appeared on Good Morning the other day she had it easier than Don did on Breakfast a couple of days before, It just doesn't seem right. The public is influenced by these shows and KH et al are making it easier for the ministers
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