Monday, May 30, 2005

Budget add-on?

Is the Cullender able to add this to his surplus?

They make the laws and then reinterpret them. Makes it very tricky for a big business that has puts the effort into understanding the laws.

I didn't notice Kiwi bank was included in the audit? Bad reporting, or special favours?

Simplifying the tax code (I personally think the Fair Tax concept is worth considering), lowering taxes and reducing the whole issue of avoidance would help the economy more. Still, that would result in the government (especially the IRD) shrinking in size, and they don't like the idea of losing power.
No they don't Zen. I'm not an acocuntant and am unsure whether beancounters count these monies as assets or liabilities. Any idea Zen?
Punt on the inner workings of the IRD? After reading Rodney's book, I studiously ignore them.
What necessary words... super, an excellent idea

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